Wow, it’s almost the end of 2018! This year has carried with it a whirlwind of events for AMS Digital; something our own social media demonstrates and each staff member can attest to. As we finish up the calendar year, we want to reflect on all that has been accomplished and thank our loyal clients for sticking with us, through thick and thin!

This year we’ve made some significant, positive changes, including our rebrand and the introduction to our unique tablet platform.

  1. Ownership
    Steven Brunet is now the sole owner of AMS Digital. Despite some turbulent times, Steve has continued to put our clients’ and staffs’ needs before his own, and we are extremely proud of the progress we’ve made since this transition!
  2. Moving Offices
    In July we moved offices from the fourth floor down to the second floor. This move has greatly improved the atmosphere with its open concept design, which has allowed an increase in team collaboration. Steve often says “motion creates motion”, and we’ve witnessed that first hand! If you haven’t gotten a chance to visit our new office, aka The Ball Pit, feel free to pop by suite 200 to say hello!
  3. Staff
    We’ve changed some roles, convinced Bob to come back from retirement, and feel even better equipped to handle your marketing needs than ever before! If you’re interested in the finer details, visit the “About” page on our website.
  4. Rebranding & a brand new website
    We began our rebranding journey in late August of this year. Despite the tremendous amount of work involved, we feel that the final results, which more accurately represent who we are and what we do, are immeasurable.
  5. Tablet Platform
    Our fearless leader Steve, came up with a ground-breaking new idea to simplify marketing and content exchange with the introduction of our tablet-based marketing services. Now our clients with tablets can take videos & pictures which are easily and instantaneously uploaded to a shared drive that we can access and use for their marketing needs. Way to go Steve!
  6. Joining the Chamber
    We’ve joined and are now official members of the Belleville Chamber of Commerce. Steve decided we should document a year-long initiative of our journey back into the Chamber in order to take advantage of, and showcase to others, the many benefits of being a member. So far it’s working out great and we’re having tons of fun while engaging in all of the things the Chamber has to offer!

Stay tuned for all that we’ve got planned for 2019. We’re in the midst of planning our official grand opening with the Belleville Chamber of Commerce, and are looking forward to being “plaqued”. May the new year bring an abundance of new opportunities to learn, grow, create and support our clients. Cheers to 2019!