The right and the wrong for your website:

There’s a big misconception about having a business, having a website, maybe even doing some SEO (search engine optimization) on your website, and thinking you’re done. That’s it; you’re going to get your phone ringing now! Right?


Wrong, and here’s why:

Google uses more than 80 different points to search its database of websites when you run a search (SEOMoz, 2015). It’s for this reason that you need to think far beyond just a basic SEO understanding and website. You need to think about your content, who is sharing it and from where, how well your website is designed and how responsive it is. There are far too many SEO factors for the average Internet user to implement.

Part of having a website come up on the front page of any search engine, in particular, Google, is your keywords in the metadata, your content relevancy, how many times it’s shared across multiple platforms, on-page keyword usage, etc.
If you are running your small business, do you really have time to sit there and SEO your web page,share it across multiple platforms, engage the audience and ensure its activity is constant? Probably not, especially if you’re not looking to be behind a desk for the rest of your career, just getting your business found.


Why us?

Most people start their small businesses because they see a need and enjoy filling it. We all want our dream jobs, we all want to be able to sit back and enjoy the work we do, and we all want to be able to retire comfortably before we’re too old to be comfortable.
SEO on your website, in the coding, is only one part of getting your website in front of the customers who need your products or services. There are so many more factors to SEO than just knowing how to build a website, or buying a domain name.
So consider all of this, and why Google makes SO MUCH MONEY. Ask yourself if you WANT to sit in front of a computer day after day, trying to gain business, instead of actually running your business and making money? Let us worry about generating those calls, and getting your website in front of new customers.

It’s what we love to do, so you can do what you love to do.


Works Cited
SEOMoz. (2015). Search Engine Ranking Factors. Retrieved from Moz: