Marketing companies for small businesses are often met with resistance when it comes to acquiring personalized content from their clients. In acknowledgement of this, we added a Client Care and Development role to help with the important task of collecting new and interesting content for our clients’ social media presence and online brand. Getting small businesses to assist with providing relative, engaging content has increasingly become a greater priority.

“Although important for other businesses, I don’t think we really need personalized content; our clients don’t look and wouldn’t care if they did.”

Though commonly misunderstood, both social platforms themselves, and personalized content are no longer simply “nice to have”, but are a necessity for edging out the competition, and for generating and retaining current clients. According to recent Epsilon research, 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it offers a personalized experience. In a time where much of the international business world interacts online, personalized content is one of the most trusted ways for consumers to determine if a brand is genuine in the quality of products and services it provides.

How To Create Content

The big question is: “How do business owners create genuine and sincere interactions with customers over a digital platform?”. Business owners don’t need to be social media experts to create these experiences. By making a few small changes online, businesses can build their reputation and gain trust from consumers.

One way successful businesses retain and generate customers is through continuing the consumer experience online. If a customer enjoys a product or service, they may leave a positive review on a social media platform. A “thank you”, additional recommendation, or even just a ‘like’ by the business owner can demonstrate that the business appreciates their customer’s feedback, and are available and there to help if any future dealings occur.

It is helpful when exceptionally happy customers provide feedback. One way of acquiring this feedback is for businesses to ask for reviews on Google or another review-oriented platform. Visit our blog post “The Importance of Google Reviews” to find out more!

As demonstrated below, one of our clients, Susan Nurse of Advanced Electrolysis, was more than pleased with the service we provided her. In return, she offered a thoughtful and positive review letting other customers know that they can trust us with their digital marketing.

AMS Digital Review- "I've worked with Steven and AMS Digital for several years, his company continues to exceed my expectations. AMS advised, refreshed and built my new website. As it is monitored and positioned daily, I have new clients weekly. Thank you to AMS Digital!"

Take note that we not only liked the review but also responded and thanked her for reviewing us.
Google rewards businesses for responsiveness, and even responding to a bad review can show potential customers that a business cares.


Businesses can promote client development and interaction by featuring the photos which guests or clients have taken. Consider asking excited new clients if you can use their business photos for promotion on Instagram or Facebook. If they post the photo themselves, it’s also beneficial to share it on your page.

By sharing a customer’s experience, it helps to reconnect them with the positive feelings they had throughout the transaction. Large companies are increasingly moving away from celebrity promotion.  The use of products by “real people” can more effectively attract customers to a brand.

Search Engine Ranking

Another important reason to include personalized content on social platforms is to optimize your search engine ranking. In 2018, Facebook announced that the algorithm they use to rank businesses would change to prioritize personal posts over branded page posts. This means that posts with more active and thoughtful interactions gain more reach than advertisements that simply push brands. As a business owner, it’s more important than ever to ensure your online content is both personalized and responsive. This will keep you relevant and current when discovered on Google, Bing, Facebook and other sources.

"We built Facebook to help people stay connected and bring us closer together with the people that matter to us. That's why we've always put friends and family at the core of the experience... But recently we've gotten feedback...that public content ... is crowding out the personal moments."

"'ll see less public content like posts from should encourage meaningful interactions between people."