Are you satisfied with the increase in sales your marketing efforts provide?
Does your current marketing provider give you real results? How do you know?

The benefits of jumping ship

Sometimes the marketing provider you’ve chosen is just not the right fit. In other cases, you may not be getting as much value for your investment as you think. Switching marketing companies can greatly impact your company’s future sales.

What are the “results”?

Impressions, clicks, engagement – SO WHAT? Does it mean what your current marketing company is telling you?

  • Impressions: the number of times the content is displayed.
  • Clicks: the number of times the content has been clicked.
  • Engagement: the number of interactions with your content, such as likes, comments, shares, retweets etc.
  • ROI: the return in new clients or profits generated from your marketing efforts.

Line graph showing clicks, impressions, CTR and average position.

What are these interactions actually worth to your business and how is your return on investment (ROI) from impressions, clicks & engagements calculated into real dollars? Knowing exactly what you’re paying for and why can make a huge difference in understanding what’s working for your business and what’s not.

Know what’s working

pie graph showing breakdown of searches

A good marketing provider should be able to show examples of their work and demonstrate the marketing techniques they recommend, prior to signing you up. They should also have system software in place such as Google Analytics, which provide reports to help pinpoint what’s working & what isn’t.

Social Media giants such as Facebook also provide analytics within their system software which give insight into how well certain posts, videos etc. are doing.

How to shake things up:

Sometimes just having the right tools in place isn’t enough. Especially if you have a specific message that you need to get out in a limited time-frame. Google Ads and Social Media Marketing can help speed up the process of gaining engagement with your brand.

Marketing campaigns set out to bring public awareness to your brand, and when used properly, can generate a significant amount of new business for your company in a short period of time. A good marketing provider should be able to advise you on what type of campaign will work best for your business’ goals and tell you why.

Other ways to increase your online presence include adding video content, a modern interactive website and accurate information in your business listings

Beware / Be Aware of your marketing:

Line graph showing fluctuating calls for February through March.

When was the last time you took a look at what your marketing is accomplishing? Do you know the efforts that are being put in? If you are not gaining the return you expect for your investment, then it may be time to look into what needs to change. This may be a new focused campaign, a different tone to your advertising, or even switching out your marketing provider entirely.

The simplicity of AMS Digital:

Here at AMS Digital, we combine the expertise of marketing with the benefits of being a local company. Unlike our competitors, we are just a phone call or email away; we’re easy to get a hold of and work personally with our clients to meet their needs.

Social Media Marketing is no longer something that businesses can ignore. We work with our clients to ensure that they understand the benefits this technology can add to their individual business and we work with them to determine the best way to take advantage of it.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help organizations do better business on the Internet. Specifically through social media networks, local search and display marketing. This media is quite often misunderstood or neglected in many companies today. That’s where we come in. Our approach varies from customer to customer depending upon needs and the specific industry and market. We can come in and set up a turnkey system with tools and processes that your staff can manage, or we can provide a full monthly contract service to keep your web business in order.

Our strengths are in online tech, marketing concepts and customer conversion techniques and strategies. Our target customer is small to medium size businesses as we find these customers have an immediate need to be competitive and where we can be most effective in producing tangible increases.