Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a free listing for businesses with a storefront or local service area. The listings appear during a Google or Google Maps search, in a Google Local Pack. Google lets businesses customize how they are portrayed on their listing and allows them to share important information with customers in the form of their “knowledge panel”.


What does Google Business Profile offer?

Having a business listing with Google Business Profile offers many benefits. When your company is searched, potential customers are able to see all the vital information they need to contact or visit you. Phone numbers, your address, pictures of your business, and a link to your website are all easily found on this listing. Google Business Profile also offers calling and messaging directly through the listing.


How do I create a Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profiles aren’t difficult to make! As your business’ marketing company, we take care of this for you! Key information needed includes the business name, address, hours of operation and phone number. To make your own Google Business Profile (GBP) account you will need a Gmail email address and to head over to Google’s Business Profile webpage.


But I already see my business on Google…

Sometimes Google and users will set up a listing for a business based on factors like their social media accounts and their website. These listings often go unclaimed and aren’t being updated. As your business’ marketing company, we will check for any existing listing before we create one for you. If there is an unclaimed listing, we can claim it for you to preserve any existing information.



Before a listing is officially completed it must be verified through Google. Google’s default option for verification is to send your business a postcard in the mail, though video and phone verifications are becoming more common. Unfortunately there is no way to know what verification option you will be given until attempting to do so. Postcards must be requested through the Google Business Profile account, and are sent to the physical address of your business. Google claims this mailing process takes approximately 12 days. As your marketing company, we will request a postcard be sent to your business on your behalf. Once you receive your postcard all you have to do is give us a call or email us the verification code, and you’re all set!



One very important aspect of the Google Business Profile is the ability for customers to give you reviews. Google reviews consist of a 1 to 5-star rating, and can greatly influence a potential customer’s decision to utilize your services. Google suggests that business owners respond to reviews they receive in a timely manner. This allows potential customers to see you’re engaged, and that you are willing to make a retribution for any misunderstandings. Our tablet platform allows you to easily access and respond to your Google Reviews. Verified users can also set up review email notifications.


What about Analytics?

A Google Business Profile listing provides a variety of insights for your business. You can easily see how many times your business listing was found on search. They offer stats for direct finds through searching your business name, as well as when your business listing was discovered by specific keywords searches (it even shows you the keywords!). Other insights include whether the listing was found through search or map, and customer actions that were taken (website visits, direction requests, calling and messaging).


I see there is a posting option. What does this entail?

We’re glad you asked! As part of your marketing services, we offer Google Business posting. These posts are essentially short advertisements that are made to advertise events, specials, product updates and announcements. They last on your profile for a long time and include an eye-catching image. The posts appear within your Google Listing, and can link to specific website pages and more!


Intrigued by what you’ve read? Feel free to email Nicole at or Andrew at for more information on Google Business Profiles. You can even give us a call at (613) 902-5191. We’d love to hear from you!