Ever wish you could access the results of your marketing plan with the touch of a button? Now you can! Ever wonder if there’s an easier way to get content to your marketing team? Now there is!

AMS Digital is proud to introduce tablet-based marketing for all of our clients. This means that all of the tools you need for your marketing will be available to you on an easy-to-use tablet – in other words, your complete marketing plan in your hands!

Now you’ll be able to track everything from website visits to customer calls instantly! No need to call and speak with your sales representative.

Enjoy instant access to:

All of your reporting apps
: See immediate results for keyword search, call tracking, Google Analytics, social media analytics and your marketing campaigns.

Your portfolio: Easily accessed through G Suite; see an overview of the information you’ve provided and the listings that we’ve created. Instantly update new keywords, your business description and more!

Your social media pages: Easily access all of your social media accounts and respond to customer inquiries. Manage reviews and see the response to your recent posts.

Your images and videos: See all of the content that you’ve shared with us, as well as any graphics we’ve created to promote your business.