Hashtags: #Important #ButWhy?

Hashtags: #Important #ButWhy?

You see them everywhere online. Those little blue pound signs with words attached. Hashtags. Hashtags have totally taken over social media; so much so that many children don’t even know what a  “pound sign” is. The presence of hashtags can be viewed as annoying or as...

Rosebush Energies

Rosebush Energies Derek Rosebush has been a loyal client for over 6 years. With six locations and growing, Rosebush Energies has been meeting the region’s fuel requirements since 1950. Rosebush’s VP Fuels branded gas station located in Tweed, ON Video...
11 Ways to Make the Most of Your New Tablet

11 Ways to Make the Most of Your New Tablet

Our tablet marketing program provides you with immediate content exchange and easy access to your marketing analytics. Below are 11 ways to make the most of your new marketing tablet. Snap some pictures  We set up our tablets to automatically sync Google Photos to...