Ever wish you could access the results of your marketing plan with the touch of a button? Now you can! Ever wonder if there’s an easier way to get content to your marketing team? Now there is! AMS Digital is proud to introduce tablet-based marketing for all of...
The right and the wrong for your website: There’s a big misconception about having a business, having a website, maybe even doing some SEO (search engine optimization) on your website, and thinking you’re done. That’s it; you’re going to get your phone ringing now!...
Marketing online, are you doing it right? Search engine marketing is on the rise. Is your online portfolio complete? We’ve mentioned before it’s not enough to just HAVE a website. The World Wide Web is just that: worldwide. So you offer a service, let’s pretend...
It’s not enough to simply “have” a social media account. If you’re not posting up-to-date, and relevant content, what’s the point. If you gain any followers at all once you’ve created the account, you’re not going to grow your business and acquire new clients simply...
What is “call tracking”? You have a website, great! It’s even “search engine optimized” (SEO), even better. So now, customers are finding your site, and your phone is ringing, but how can you be sure that they’re calling you because of your website? This is where a...
A permanent path to your customers. Your online footprint, your brand, your online presence. All of this encompasses what your company stands for, represents and offers. Marketing in this day and age, and going forward, is all moving to the digital platforms. People...