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For the latest news and tips in marketing, take a peek through our blog.
Wow, it’s almost the end of 2018! This year has carried with it a whirlwind of events for AMS Digital; something our own social media demonstrates and each staff member can attest to. As we finish up the calendar year, we want to reflect on all that has been...
You see them everywhere online. Those little blue pound signs with words attached. Hashtags. Hashtags have totally taken over social media; so much so that many children don’t even know what a “pound sign” is. The presence of hashtags can be viewed as annoying or as...
Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a free listing for businesses with a storefront or local service area. The listings appear during a Google or Google Maps search, in a Google Local Pack. Google lets businesses customize how they are portrayed...
Ever wish you could access the results of your marketing plan with the touch of a button? Now you can! Ever wonder if there's an easier way to get content to your marketing team? Now there is! AMS Digital is proud to introduce tablet-based marketing for all of our...
The right and the wrong for your website: There’s a big misconception about having a business, having a website, maybe even doing some SEO (search engine optimization) on your website, and thinking you’re done. That’s it; you’re going to get your phone ringing now!...
Marketing online, are you doing it right? Search engine marketing is on the rise. Is your online portfolio complete? We’ve mentioned before it’s not enough to just HAVE a website. The World Wide Web is just that: worldwide. So you offer a service, let’s pretend...